20th Annual Virginia State AFA AFJROTC State Drill Championship Awards

DATE: April 26, 2025 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern

LOCATION: Atlee High School         9414 Atlee Station Rd, Atlee, VA

This event is free and open to all who wish to watch.

It will be held at Atlee High School in Mechanicsville VA on Saturday, April 26, 2025.  The drill competition kicks off promptly at 0900 and the judges will be from the Langley AFB Honor Guard.  The drill event is open to Air Force ROTC units across Virginia.  

Competition events include Color Guard, Inspection, Armed Regulation, Unarmed Regulation, Armed Exhibition Drill, Unarmed Exhibition Drill, Solo Armed Exhibition, and Knockout.  Trophies will be awarded for the top five teams in each event and overall combined results.

Last year 19 schools competed and the overall champion was the unit from Unity Reed High School.  The Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team has been requested to perform if their schedule permits.Trophies & Awards will be presented by Mike Maxwell, Virginia State President.

If you would like more information or to be a judge, scorer, or serve on the drill meet staff, please email the Scott Van Cleef Chapter President Robin Thompson.